My face is still red

Yesterday the boys and I attended our regular story time at the library activity. Mrs. Val, the sweet 70ish year old librarian, leads the children in all sorts of songs, stories and crafts. It is a fabulous, free activity for us and I've been especially enjoying it lately because I can see the skills Jack is learning in preschool first hand. Anyway, yesterday Mrs. Val read Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. The version in this particular book concludes with the Mama jumping on the bed after she has gotten all of her monkeys to sleep. Jack, who is never at a loss for comments, wanted to talk to Mrs. Val about why the Mama was jumping since that isn't the typical ending to the song we sing.

So, sweet Mrs. Val says: "Do you think your mama jumps on the bed after you go to sleep?"

To which Jack responds: "No, she just wrestles with Daddy."

My face turns pink while I'm quickly trying to convince myself that nobody else is going to go where my mind immediately goes after all these years living with Troy. Before I can feel any sort of false hope another mom quickly chimes in with:

"Well that explains three children in less than four years."

and that, my friends, is why my face has yet to return to it's typical shade of pale.