All before 8am

6:30 - wake to the startling sound of Charlie's shrill cries. Leap from the bed quickly (too quickly) to get him because he never wakes up that way.

6:31 - scurry past Jack's room where he begins screaming "MAMA helllllpppppp meeeee" Realize as I'm scurrying that I feel as if I could vomit.
6:32 - try to comfort still screaming Charlie while opening the door to investigate Jack's screams.
6:33 - Troy comes in trying to help. Both boys ONLY WANT MAMA. Mama is trying not to vomit.
6:34 - Usher the screaming people downstairs.
6:35 - Change Charlie's diaper, discover angry looking rash, attempt to push through his screams,tears and surprisingly powerful turns to finish up the diaper change while feeling very sad for him. Meanwhile Jack stands next to me saying "Charlie doesn't like that! Mama, Charlie doesn't like that! MAMA CHARLIE DOESN'T LIKE THAT!!!" followed by "where is my gray racing car? could you find it for me? find it for me please. find it for me now please. Charlie REALLY doesn't like that. Where is my racing car Mama? Mama I need you to find it right now!"
6:36 - Troy turns on The Incredibles to distract Jack, I fix Charlie a bottle.
6:45 - Charlie finishes his bottle and I try to lay on the couch for a minute to keep myself from hugging the toilet.
6:50 - Troy goes upstairs to shower
6:51 - Mama races to the bathroom and begins throwing up for the first of three times this morning.
6:55 - Jack enters the bathroom and says "Mama you are making really funny faces."
7am - Begin to worry about Charlie who is currently crawling freely through the house. Ask Jack to check on him.
7:01 - Vomit #2
7:02 - Jack returns and reports "He's fine, he is just eating a feast."
7:03- Pull myself off of the floor and race from the bathroom to see what exactly my 9 month old is feasting upon. Discover he has pulled a bag of cookies Jack took out of the pantry off of the side table, managed to open them and pour all of them into his lap. Laugh as he looks up at me with a cookie in each hand and one in his mouth...a feast indeed.
7:05 - Run back to the bathroom
7:15 - Realize I'm not going to get better until I eat something which, of course, is the very LAST thing I want to do. The only thing I can think of that sounds remotely decent is a glass of orange juice and a blueberry muffin, neither of which we have, of course.
7:20 - Decide it is worth it to drive to Starbucks around the corner to purchase said craved items. Troy and I load the kids up, he heads to work, we head to Starbucks.
7:25 - Discover Starbucks only carries bottled OJ for $3.45. Decide it is worth it to pay this insane price rather than lug both of the children into Winn Dixie across the street - oh and Jack is only wearing underpants and I'm missing an essential article of clothing myself so that helped eliminate that consideration.
7:28 - Pick up my juice and muffin and begrudgingly hand over the card to be swiped for $8+ dollars.
7:29 - Jack says he wants OJ too. I tell him I will share. He erupts into hysterics "I do not want to share with you! I want my OWN orange juice." Sorry buddy, only pregnant people get their own orange juice when it costs more than alcohol.
7:30 - Realize I'm not currently on the brink of vomiting and that both of my children are confined and somewhat entertained. Decide it might be worth killing some time driving to McDonald's to buy Jack a cheap orange juice if he can ask nicely. He complies.
7:40 - McDonald's is OUT of Orange Juice??? Jack hears the news over the drive thru speaker and erupts once again. I declare that we will pursue the juice further if he can ask nicely...again.
7:55 - Arrive at McDonald's across town, purchase orange juice, hand it to Jack who takes two sips and spills the rest all over himself.

Three kids? Bring it.