Should we meet

Reflections from a day of running errands with an angry infant
The following are based on actual experiences

If we should meet in a crowded store and my son looks something like this:

Please DON'T
  • Stare at me as if you just can't imagine bringing a child out of the house in this state - trust me if this was at all foreseeable we wouldn't be here
  • Look at me as if you just heard my dog died, I don't need your pity, I'm a mom and he is a baby, we do this.
  • Ask me to hurry up and sign my name on the credit card machine - again, trust me I'm moving as fast as I can and you don't want that binkie to fall out any more than I do.
  • Look at me as if I just committed a hate crime against the elderly when I leave my cart next to the three others in the empty parking place rather than returning it to its proper place across the parking lot while my screaming infant sits in the 100 degree car.
  • Tell me you are happy to take him home with you if I don't want him. As a general rule I prefer not having to shout my response to your witty remark over the voice of my screaming infant.
  • Ask if you can hold him because he might be comforted by you (I really couldn't believe this one) I PROMISE he likes me's the whole 9 months in my belly/breast milk power I posses. He does not want you.
  • If after you ask to hold him I politely tell you that "he is really in a mama phase these days" please do not persist in asking me and repeatedly state your child care matter how experienced you are MAMA wins.
Please DO
  • Ignore us, I won't be offended and neither will Jack.
  • Let me and my two items go ahead of you and your 30+ items in line, I'm certain that everyone within earshot would appreciate your kindness.
  • Offer to return my cart to the cart holder in the parking lot (as opposed to glaring - see above)
  • If you simply MUST say something a simple "I've been there" feels best.