Mama's Couch

There is a therapist in every great mama and a mama in every great therapist.

The birth of my third son brought with it the rebirth of my desire to do therapy. That's not to say the desire hasn't always been there, because it surely has but sometimes it rises to the surface more intensely, much like the baby bug. For as long as I've known myself I've known my longing to be a mother. Although my desire to be a therapist is slightly younger it has also been with me for the better part of my thirty one years.  I can't think of a time in my life when someone has asked me if I wanted to have a child or another child and my answer has been "no."  In fact I'm sure that has never been my answer.  My husband often worries it never will be my answer.  The same is true with therapy.  I get asked from time to time if I want to be doing therapy again or if I miss having a private practice.  The answer is always "yes" at some level I always want to be practicing therapy, the intensity of the desire ebbs and flows but it is always, always there.  

This season of three little ones four and under is one of sweetness and chaos and one in which I have chosen not to re-open a private practice or do any type of formal work outside of the home.  However, my therapist brain is one I delight in and certainly a part of me that is very much alive and longing to be nurtured.  I get such satisfaction out of slowing down and really thinking through things from a psychological perspective.  I love it when a friend calls and asks me to "put on my therapy hat" or I read something online that stirs the therapist within me.  So I decided in this beautiful (and sometimes crazy) age of blogging that if cooks can post about whats going on in their kitchen, designers can post their new designs and crafters can post about their crafts... I can post about my couch.

The couch is so often a symbol of the introspective world of psychology and mine holds an extra dose of symbolism for me.  The very couch that once sat in my office as a resting place for the many lovable souls that trusted me and poured themselves out in order to be healed has now become the landing pad for goldfish, spit up and the bare bouncing feet that belong to my boys.  I can't think of any better illustration of myself and the shift my life has made in recent years.  The couch and I are both still here, steadfast, messy and happy as we nurture the wild ones and also very much aware that there is a whole different type of support we thrive by offering.

So come on over, feel free to stretch out and close your eyes or bounce from cushion to cushion in delight...all are welcome on Mama's Couch.

Let me introduce myself

I've been blogging for five years now in the private realm and will continue to do so both for the privacy of my boys and because the whole world doesn't want to read a post about the baby's four month well visit.  I need those kinds of things recorded somewhere but I'm well aware that the only people who care that the baby is in the 50% for weight and the 75th for height are the closest of blood relatives...and that might be stretching it.  However, on occasion I've posted something on my private blog that tells the story of who I am in a way I couldn't if I just introduced myself in a paragraph or two.  Some of those posts are included below so if you are curious about who this mama with a couch is get to scrollin'...